In today's digital age, video games have become an integral part of the lives of many children and teenagers, including Autistic young people. Concerns about excessive gaming and potential addiction often arise among parents, raising questions about the impact on their child's...
In the face of the ongoing pandemic, political strife, economic uncertainty, and social and civil unrest, many people are struggling. This can be observed in people's behavior, shared grief, and social statistics. This article explores the realms of prosocial behavior, the impact of...
When it comes to raising children, teaching them appropriate behavior and instilling values are crucial aspects of their development. However, the methods used to correct misconduct can vary significantly. Punishment and discipline are two distinct approaches, each yielding different...
Communication extends beyond the spoken word in our daily interactions. Non-spoken cues play a significant role in conveying our emotions, intentions, and states of being. Within this realm of non-spoken communication lies the intriguing and novel concept of Vagal Attunement—an...
Emotional regulation is a fundamental aspect of our wellbeing, allowing us to navigate life's challenges, manage stress, and foster healthy relationships. It is a lifelong process that begins in our formative years and continues throughout adulthood. In this article, we will explore...
The Looking for Bears principles and concepts encompass a range of values, skills, and approaches that promote empathy, understanding, growth, and positive change....